Everyday Easy Flower Arrangement Ideas



Spring is officially here and we are all slowly starting to stretch ourselves out of our winter slump.

We might not be able to entertain just yet but now is the PERFECT time to dust off your shelves, revitalize the energy in your home and awaken the creative in you. Remember, with the amount of time we spend inside, we have to continually surround ourselves with inspiration...if for nothing else than our mental health!

After your havoc-sprung spring cleaning (no? just me?), finalizing with flowers can immediately improve the decor and feeling of that space.

You all know my passion for florals at this point and know that I usually work with bouquets on a (nearly) daily basis...but having fresh flowers in your home doesn't have to be a big or costly ordeal! It truly just takes a few steps; here's what I suggest:


 1. Go to your local farmers market (yay for buying locally!) or grocery store and buy any type of flowers or greenery.


2. Find some sort of vase or vessel in your cupboard (I know you've been hoarding your cute recyclable jars).


3. Add water and half the flower food (if they didn't come with flower food then add a *drop* of bleach).


4. Give your flower ends a fresh cut and place them in and voila!



There you have it! An easy, instant upgrade to your room’s decor. Make sure to check out my 5 easy hacks for your at-home arrangement for a more in-depth look on making those flowers last longer.


Cheers! And happy Spring!








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