Discover the Beauty of Lilacs and Learn How to Keep Them Fresh



Discover the Beauty of Lilacs and Learn How to Keep Them Fresh


The lilac is a beautiful, fragrant flower that has been cultivated for centuries. The hardy shrub can be found growing in gardens across the world, and it's easy to see why: these plants are stunningly beautiful and smell amazing!

Lilac has been cultivated since ancient times; it was first mentioned in literature by Theophrastus (371-287 B.C.), who called them "lilakoi" meaning "lily-like." They were later referred to as "syringa" by Pliny the Elder (23-79 A.D.). The name Syringa was given after Syrinx, the wood nymph, refused the advances of Pan, god of shepherds and hunters, and escaped only by turning into a river reed (we know, again with the Greek mythology- more on that later).

Varieties of Lilacs


The common lilac (Syringa vulgaris) is one of the most well-known varieties. It's a deciduous shrub that can grow up to 10 feet tall and wide, with fragrant blooms in shades of pink, purple, and white.

The dwarf Korean lilac (Syringa reticulata 'Kibun') is also known as "tree lilac" because it grows into a small tree shape rather than spreading out as other types of plants do. This type of plant produces fragrant flowers in shades of purple or white during springtime--and it doesn't need much water once established!

The Japanese tree lilac (Syringa reticulata 'Choshu') is another popular choice among gardeners because they're easy to care for--they don't require much maintenance at all! Plus, these bushes produce beautiful pink flowers during late springtime; they're great for adding color to any landscape design project you may have planned this year!

Top Tips to Keep Your Lilac Fresh


Keeping lilacs fresh after cutting is quite different than growing them in the garden. One of our top tips is to immediately place the cut stems into a bucket of fresh, cool water. Allow the stems time to take up more water in a cool, dark place for another one to two hours before arranging them.

It is also important to cut the stems at a 45-degree angle and regularly add fresh water to keep them in the best shape. Before cutting, however, remember to remove any debris or foliage from the stem and make absolutely sure your water is clean. Allowing such things in the water will create a bacteria breeding ground, leading to quicker wilting of your bouquet.

Our top tip? Notice the lilac stem- they are thick and woody, so you need to "crack" the wood for the stem to absorb the water up to the flower head. Snap the lower end of the stem (or grab your nearest hammer) and peel the woody layer, leaving an exposed green skin. Creating that open space for the water to absorb through will keep them fresh for days.

Why Are So Many Flowers Based on Greek Tragedies?


Flowers have been used to symbolize different concepts like love, passion, and righteousness in many tales, and both Roman and Greek mythology frequently used flowers because of their ancient gods' habits bequeathed to people. notes that many flowers from around the world appear in mythology, including the anemone, carnation, hyacinth, lily, lotus, narcissus, poppy, rose, sunflower, and violet. And The lilac is no exception to the historic poetic myths of long-told tales.

Can I Find Lilac at the Hidden Garden?


Yes, you absolutely can! As lilac season approaches, we will incorporate more into our spring weddings, daily deliveries, and hotel arrangements.

Order your Hidden Garden bouquet today!



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