6 Ways To Make Your Home A Hygge Haven
0 comments6 Ways To Make Your Home A Hygge Haven
Imagine a cold winter night cozied up inside with a hot drink, warm under a quilt, soft music playing in the background. You aren't meant to be anywhere, you have dinner simmering and a feeling of contentment. This isn't a movie — this is Hygge. Hygge is the Danish idea of comfort, and it entails experiencing simple pleasures, warmth, happiness, and togetherness.
Many people within Scandinavian and Nordic countries have been practicing Hygge for decades, but it's become more popular recently thanks to the rise of minimalist design, mindfulness, and slow living. A perfect time to integrate this into your home is during the winter season when the days are long, low temperatures and less sun can take a toll on your physical and mental health.
Hygge can be incorporated into every aspect of your life, including your home but how do you make your home a hygge haven? We have ten ideas to get you started:
1. Lighting
Hygge can be described as a feeling or mood rather than one singular thing, style, or design aesthetic. That being said, an easy first step into creating the hygge experience is lighting. People who hate "The Big Light" rejoice, for this is a crucial step when creating this particular cozy factor.
Embrace table lamps with warm amber-colored bulbs, candle light (unscented), or light from your fireplace. No fireplace? No worries! Switch on Netflix and search "fireplace," where soothing sounds and phantom heat awaits.
2. Nature
Fresh air during the cold months is essential, but some of us simply don't enjoy negative-degree weather (or LA's measly lows of 45°). Bring the outdoors in by incorporating natural materials into your home.
Use pinecones for decor, pop handfuls of Baby's Breath to fill the empty spots in your Christmas tree, stuff your vases with fresh herbs (like rosemary sprigs) and place them throughout your home for an aromatic touch, or have The Hidden Garden deliver a custom winter wonderland arrangement for your home.
3. Togetherness
The word "hygge" can translate to "cozy," but it's also about being comfortable with yourself and the people around you. It's spending time with family and friends, enjoying candlelight, and having a warm drink—all things that help us relax and unwind. It's not only about being cozy; it's also about being present in the moment, taking care of yourself and others, and focusing on what matters most— your health!
Schedule board game nights, movie nights with hot chocolate, or have family and friends over— not just because it's the holidays but because you enjoy their presence. This includes the hard habit of staying off your phone and being more present with those around you.
4. Self-Care and Hobbies
To make your home a hygge haven, you need to find time for self-care and hobbies—and we’re not talking about Netflix binges here. Self-care is about treating yourself well to be the best version of yourself. Hobbies are what you enjoy doing in your free time. You can have as many or as few as you like, but having one or two will help you stay mentally healthy and happy.
When you're feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or just plain tired, it's easy to forget that you are also a person. You have hobbies and interests! You like to treat yourself to something delicious or fun every once in a while. You have things that make you happy, which aren't related to your job.
When you get home from work, however, it can be hard to remember who you are outside of what you do for a living. If your life is all about work and no play, there's no room for the other parts of your personality to shine through.
The way to combat this is simple: set aside time for self-care and hobbies. Schedule it so your brain recognizes the importance of it; whether it's 20 minutes a day or an hour once a week, don't forget to enjoy the little things in life that make us human. Anything from reading books on a rainy day, to meeting your partner at an art museum, or finally writing out a story you've had on your mind.
5. Texture and Warmth
As silly as it sounds, blankets and cushions are must-haves. To curl up with a blanket (even if you’re not cold) to get cozy is very hyggeligt (hygge-like).
Regarding cushions, they might not be your thing but can be reserved for our favorite floor sitters, aka the ones who can’t get close enough to the fireplace. Large or small, cushions are essential for comfort.
At the end of the day, hygge, cozy, comfort (whatever you want to call it) is about taking your responsible, burnt out/ overworked adult and giving them a break. It’s about experiencing happiness through simple pleasures and knowing that everything is going to be ok. And sometimes sitting under a blanket is enough to feel that. Try adding in a few earthly toned throws onto your sofa and see if you can resist them!
6. Food and Drink
Hygge is a beautiful reminder to slow down and about being kind to yourself, especially around food during the holidays.
Gone are the days of investing in juice cleanses so you can eat your holiday meals "guilt-free." That is not hygge. Sweets are hygge. Coffee cake and hot chocolate are hygge. Carrot sticks? Not so much.
“Something sinful is an integral component of the hygge ritual. But it should not be something fancy or extravagant".”— Meik Wiking (CEO of the Happiness Research Institute, Copenhagen)
If a CEO of a happiness research program is telling us that we need to focus more on comfort food, then we should listen! A vegetable stew is hygge. Popcorn and warm drinks are hygge. Baking pastries is hygge. No December is complete without warm beverages to help you stay cozy (preferably with friends around a fire or with a blanket and your favorite book- sounding familiar?). The more rustic it is, the more hygge! Are we getting it now?
Hygge is about happiness and finding that happiness in the small moments and actions we do for ourselves and our families.
“You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy cake, and that is almost the same thing…”.
And we couldn't agree more.
The Hidden Garden is here to help you boost your hygge at home. So take these six tips into consideration while you start to decorate and plan your holiday festivities.
Remember to do as the Scandinavians/Nords do and enjoy the simple things in life.